Sunday, August 29, 2010

today was a good day
well i did a lot of exercise downstairs to a kellog's zumba cd we borrowed from an old neighbor.
It works pretty well. i felt much better about myself once i finished.
What else did i do? well.... i ate some grilled chicken with lentils and rice which was really tasty :)
and i listened to music on my dad's ipod with the loud speaker.

I just recently finished taking my pills and watching eclipse. I really liked it, despite it being a bamba mexican movie. I think it was the better one out of all the movies.

Umm.. then i saw cute old tina sleeping on the couch. Tina is the cutest of all the dogs I think.
I woke her up though, as i took some pictures of her sleeping.

I'm feeling a bit better today. this weekend has been a step in the right direction.
However, i can't help but still feel the bit of eagerness to get home.

Monday, August 16, 2010

dear diary,
where am i.
where am i
how did it get to this point
how did i get here

i don't want to be the center of attention any more.
not like this.
when did i cross over to the negative state of being

it's uncomfortable, its unhealthy, and it will ultimately lead to nothing, nowhere
i'm in a blank world, with a blank sky, blank horizon, it's all white
i can't feel anything other than the feeling of being here.

someone get me out. i want to get out, i want to not be this person. i want to be me
i want to forget, i want to love life again
save me from myself


Thursday, August 5, 2010

note to self, i can't ever forget this

you can tell me what to do, but you can't tell me how to feel.

you can criticize my looks, you can stare me down with your big eyes from head to toe, causing me to cry, but you can't read what i'm feeling inside. you can't tell me what i'm feeling.

i may not know much, but i do know what i feel. maybe more than anyone does. I'm starting to realize that i know myself more than anyone else does, but right now i can't feel it, because right now I'm hiding. Because i'm depressed. Because i've found out people lie to each other. Even the ones that you thought were closest to you. but i don't. i never have. and i know secretly that no one will ever be the same as me. and that's what makes me sad. I may doubt myself a lot about things, and I may be out of touch with some of my thoughts, but at least i'm in touch with my feelings. I've never been or will ever be someone that will fall under a stereotype. Don't ever forget it. I don't believe in them. you can't judge me, because I'll never fit under anything you say. i'll never fit under one thing, under one title. i'm not like you. i'm like me. And if you look more closely at yourself you'll see that you're no one. and that you blend in with everyone else. i don't because i'm someone. And that's our only difference. i think i've been denying the fact that i don't know who i am, because it's hard to be completely honest in this world, because there's so few of us left. But one day i'll find a man who is completely honest too. and after that i couldn't be any happier. or maybe i've already found him.. i'm hoping i did. he's what is keeping me going, at least for now. ( looking back, i don't think i had found him then)

ill soon get out of this, i'll soon look at this as a really positive thing. i can't let people intimidate me, i can't let peoples jealousy get in the midst of my own values, i can't let them crush me, crumble me to the floor. they don't know me!! this is crazy that little things affect me so much. But I've always been like that. I've always fed on what people say, and it's time to grow out of that habit. this is a stepping stone, it's something that's meant to help me learn. i'll see :)

i don't have to fight it. nothing works that way. i want to be happy. and i'm going to expose it all the time no matter what. i'm going to smile because i want to, even if its about nothing at all. i need to start looking on myself in the positive way, i need to start coming out of my shell and screaming at the top of my lungs in joy that i'm no one will ever ever get to speak for myself or say who I am. even though most of me has withered away with my motivation, the strongest part of me is still here. the strongest part, and the true part, the part everyone has always known and loved, is still there. and that's the part that defines me, and that won't be able to define anyone else ever.

note in the note to self: don't listen to mom, do my own thing. but don't get mad at her either. embrace her, but still ignore her. i need to fend for myself. but still be happy. don't take things too seriously!!!!! laugh!!! be happy!! don't let people know your sad if you are.

smile. i love to smile. i need to smile. i'm the only one that can get me out of this. i think writing will help. i don't need a counselor, they really really haven't a clue

i know they're trying to help me. but in the end it's really just me helping me.

how could you do it

The beginning of the end

If I’ve learned anything, it’s that you can’t fall for something someone says. you can't take anything anyone says too seriously. because then you might start thinking it and believing it.

Don’t let anyone tell you who you are, or what’s wrong with you, because then you might start thinking something actually IS wrong with you. And then something really WILL be wrong with you.

If you’re having trouble believing me, if you’re doubting who I am , then I don’t think I even know who you are anymore. If you don't have faith in me, I won't have faith in you. And that's where it ends. it's really that simple. too bad you can't see it, because you're too busy looking at me, instead of looking at yourself.

the end of the end.