Sunday, December 27, 2015


Friday, December 18, 2015

she's not afraid of making a mistake. if you fail that means you win because you tried you're hardest.
and right now although the rest of the world might not be with her she's winning.

if only the rest of the world could be like that. but no, we're too scared of going outside the lines.
i have respect for someone who is living to their full potential; i envy them, but not in a bad way in a way that gives me hope that one day i too will be fearless and live to my full potential.

Friday, December 4, 2015

dear whoever,
i had a dream about ansel again last night.
i wonder if he's the same in real life as he is in my dreams.
the dream went like this: ansel asked if i would go out with a friend of his.i said yes and he gave me tips like in "friennd zone" the show on mtv that i sadly have watched and liked. at the end of the few days we had to prepare and after my date with his friend he told me he was in love with me.
if only things like this really happened
i wonder f ill ever be that happy

Thursday, December 3, 2015

its really depressing to read all of these
sneese. sneese? sneeze.
i think thats right because theres no red squiggly line under it.

maybe being under it is good
just now i figured out that i don't know anything about anything.
took me 24 years to find out.
it could be worse no? no.
i miss you.